Thursday, January 21, 2016

Camellia Tea & Coffee

#104-6888 Royal Oak Ave, Burnaby, BC.

You know when you go somewhere and it steadily gets worse the whole time you are there...? Well that's what going to Camellia was like...

Camellia Tea & Coffee
Burnaby, BC
Photo: Totally Tammy / Brewji

It was fairly crowded when we went in, and it wasn't clear where the line started. There were people congregated and a few small tables and chairs around so there wasn't much space to move. When we finally made it to the counter I realised why everyone was standing around - they had a chalkboard with a note saying "collect your coffee at the counter - we don't have a delivery service" or something to that affect. The fact that they are extremely slow at making the tea and coffee does not help the matter at all!

The coffee is reasonably priced but, oh my god, their cakes?!? We got a tiny, little sliver of cheesecake that was dry, and had a spoonful of preserved blueberries on top for $6... Yeah $6..

Cheesecake @ Camellia Tea & Coffee
Burnaby, BC
Photo: Totally Tammy / Brewji

When you order, you get a number and they supposedly call it out when our order is ready... Yeah, they don't really do that. I mean, I heard a few numbers being called out but I got my drink (I assume I took the right one, I mean with no drip coffee on offer I 'd say a lot of people order Americano's) and about ten minutes later there was a slice of blueberry cheesecake and an iced Americano sitting on the counter. I guessed it was ours...

Camellia Tea & Coffee
Burnaby BC
Photo: Totally Tammy / Brewji

Brewji said his iced Americano was "average". The first few sips of mine were okay, but then as it warmed up it got super bitter. I had to go and get sugar, after three packets it was still really tart. I don't know if it was the beans they use, or if the espresso machine wasn't calibrated correctly and the shots were running too quickly or too slowly. But it was not good.

Hot & Iced Americano's @ Camellia Tea & Coffee
 Burnaby BC
 Photo: Totally Tammy / Brewji

The interior was kinda cute - I have a feeling they were going for a vintage tea-garden kinda look. There are high ceilings with exposed duct-work which was painted black, the walls are grey and there are chandeliers hanging down. On the walls there are vintage tea-trays and branches. It could have been nice, apart from the fact that there are strange low hanging lights hanging around the counter and the windows. They look like upside down colanders and completely close off the counter area and divide the room making it look smaller. There is a raised section up some stairs at the back with sofas and armchair that look cosy but it was packed up there.

Interior @ Camellia Tea & Coffee
Burnaby, BC
Photo: Totally Tammy / Brewji

They have sign that says "please don't stay over two hours"... I guess it's not a place to sit, chat, drink coffee and hang with friends. Also you need a keycode to use the washroom, which I get, most places you do need to get a key. However when I went up to get the code, I stood there for a good while before the girl behind the counter answered me.

Camellia Tea & Coffee
 Burnaby BC
 Photo: Totally Tammy / Brewji

And finally... Take look at this...

Frappuccino @ Camellia Tea & Coffee
Burnaby BC
Photo: Totally Tammy / Brewji


Please correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe that "Frappuccino" is a registered Trademark of Starbucks, and a pretty strong on at that as it's a made-up word. Clearly these guys know a lot about the business they are in...

Overall, I can honestly say I will not be back. From the service, the prices, and the general tone and feel of the cafe, it is not somewhere I want to spend my time. And with so many other, better, options popping up all the place I feel absolutely sure I will never have to darken their door again. I am looking forward to trying the Ki Tea House Cafe next door though!

I give Camellia Tea & Coffee, an I-can't-believe you-are-in-the-Cafe-business, 1.0 /10


  1. I hope Starbucks goes after them for such shitty service and using a trademarked term. Honestly, 5.95 for day-old mediocre cheesecake?!

  2. I hope Starbucks goes after them for such shitty service and using a trademarked term. Honestly, 5.95 for day-old mediocre cheesecake?!
